Emergency Management (NM) BLS-SRC AED
The module is not offered by the SSBS.
The following equivalent training courses are recognised:
Education Switzerland
- First aider level 1 IVR
- Emergency first aid course (min. 7 hours) plus complete ‘BLS-AED-SRC’ course (min. 4 hours)
Education France
- PSE 1 (Premiers secours en équipe de niveau 1)
- PSC1 (Prévention et secours civiques de niveau1) min. 7 hours plus complete BLS-AED course (min. 3 hours)
Other education
We also recognise other foreign training courses, the following requirements must be met:
- Course duration at least 10 hours
The documents (certificate including the course programme) are checked by us individually. The duration (number of hours) must be listed in the documents.
At the time of recognition, a currently valid BLS-AED course no older than two years must be available.